Author: Eli Compres

A Night to Remember: Celebrating 65 Years of Excellence

A Night to Remember: Celebrating 65 Years of Excellence On June 8th, Control Electropolishing Corporation celebrated a significant milestone – 65 years of delivering unparalleled quality and service in the metal finishing industry. The event took place at Astoria World Manor in the Saphire Room and opened with a warm welcome from Control’s President & […]

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Electropolishing Applications in the Medical Field: Enhancing Safety and Performance

Electropolishing Applications in the Medical Field: Enhancing Safety and Performance Electropolishing is a precise electrochemical process essential for refining metal surfaces. By removing a thin layer of material, it achieves a smooth, clean, and corrosion-resistant finish. This technique is indispensable in the medical field, where the quality and biocompatibility of metal surfaces directly impact patient safety […]

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Embracing Over Six Decades of Excellence!

It is with great pride and excitement that we announce the upcoming celebration of Control Electropolishing’s 65th anniversary on May 15th! This remarkable milestone not only signifies a momentous occasion in our company’s history but also serves as a testament to our enduring commitment to excellence and innovation in the industry. Over the past six […]

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Celebrating Excellence in Workplace Safety: A Remarkable 8 Years of Zero Claims!

This achievement goes beyond pure coincidence; it is a result of strategic planning, continuous improvement, and a resolute commitment to workplace safety. In the sphere of workplace safety maintaining a flawless record in claims for eight consecutive years is a commendable achievement. It underscores the responsibility and diligence exhibited by the organizations in safeguarding their […]

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Electropolishing Process

      Electropolishing is classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as a metal finishing operation in the same category as electroplating. The facility must have proper permits for the generation of waste, maintain proper records of operations, and meet all requirements of Federal, State, and local regulating authorities. To craft materials that follow […]

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Identification of Water Reduction and Recycling Opportunities for Control Electropolishing Corp.

Control Electropolishing Corp. requested assistance from ITAC and its partner the New York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), to identify opportunities to reduce their environmental footprint as related to wastewater management and water reuse. Specifically, because of the level of dissolved solids in the water CEC would like to […]

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More than six decades have passed, and we are excited to share our milestone. Come and discover why Control Electropolishing Corp. has been the leader in our industry. On our 63rd Anniversary we reconfirm the compromise of loyalty to the fundamentals, and principles that we started with. Our current leadership in the market motivates us […]

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