Author: Lina De La Cruz

Quality Control and Assurance in the Metal Finishing Industry

 With so much market competition, quality has become the primary differentiating factor for companies across nearly all industries. As such, quality control and assurance are critical to establishing a successful organization that provides products that meet or exceed the expectations of its customers. For the industrial world and the metal finishing industry in particular the […]

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Electropolishing: The Preferred Method for the Medical Industry

Electropolishing: The Preferred Method for the Medical Industry For the medical and surgical industries, high-quality metal parts and surfaces are essential to everyday business operations that make the lifesaving work these institutions do possible. By using stainless steel medical tools and surfaces that have been chemically treated by the electropolishing finishing processes, hospitals and other medical […]

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Preventing Corrosion with Stainless Steel

Preventing Corrosion with Stainless Steel When you think about the reasons that drive you to have a metal part or surface chemically treated, as with the electropolishing process, one of the main benefits that comes to mind is the ability of finished stainless steel to combat corrosion. At Control, we believe in the lifelong durability […]

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Metal Appearance: Why and Where Aesthetic Matters

Metal Appearance: Why and Where Aesthetic Matters When it comes to metal parts and materials, the visual aesthetic of the metal is usually last on your list of considerations. However, for the creative and architectural industries, metal appearance plays a huge role in the planning of metal sculptures or construction projects.  Luckily, stainless steel is […]

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A New Chapter: Our 62nd Anniversary

A New Chapter: Our 62nd Anniversary For decades, Control Electropolishing has been servicing organizations and institutions across the United States, providing electropolished, corrosion-resistant stainless-steel components and devices to countless industries. Specializing in steel medical components and devices for the medical and surgical industries, we pride ourselves in being able to support lifesaving institutions in their […]

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How to Maintain Greener Metal Finishing Practices

How to Maintain Greener Metal Finishing Practices Greener company practices benefit everyone, and it’s our duty to protect our planet by seeking out business functions that are more environmentally conscious. An electrochemical process that removes the outer layers of a metal piece to polish, passive, and deburr its surface, electropolishing supports countless industries with its […]

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